How Do You Get the Shine Back on Granite Countertops?

Once upon a time, not long ago, you used to hear all these compliments for your exquisite
granite countertops. Everyone who walked into your kitchen was in awe.

But now, your once shiny, beautiful countertops have turned a bit dull and look like just any regular countertops. So you are wondering every day, how do you get the shine back on granite countertops? Well, look no further. This article tells you all you need to know.

Ways to Give the Shine Back to Your Granite Countertops

Keep the Countertops Clean

The first and the most important tip is to ensure that you keep your countertops clean. Grease and grime make the counters look dull even when they are not.

Use a mild detergent and a soft sponge or cloth to clean the surface often – preferably after every use. After cleaning and rinsing your granite, use a soft dry cloth to dry polish the granite to bring back the shine thoroughly.

Alternatively, use a store-bought granite cleaner to clean the surface. Most of the available cleaners on the market use granite polish as the base of the cleaner. Hence, this gives the surface an even more thorough shine than a regular detergent.

Polish Your Granite Often

In addition to cleaning regularly, ensure to polish your granite often using a granite-safe polish. There are two options to use here:

Store-Bought Granite Polish

You can buy a good granite-safe polish from any local home improvement or big box store. However, ensure that you do not use anything with high acid levels, which could permanently damage your granite. Avoid anything that contains vinegar, lime, ammonia, or bleach.

Store-bought granite polish comes in either wet or dry options. But both work just the same. For the dry option, just add water before you polish. For use instructions, follow the manufacturer’s guidelines on the package.

Homemade Granite Polish

You can make a great homemade granite polish with the ingredients you already have at home. There are various DIY recipes online that give you a step-by-step guide on how to go about it.

See this video, for example.

One safe polish recipe to make at home is:

2 cups of warm water

1/4 cup of baking soda

Mix the two together and stir thoroughly.
Apply the mixture on the counters and give it a few minutes to rest using a soft cloth.
Use another different material to ‘buff’ the counters dry.
Use a wet cloth to clean and polish the counters thoroughly.

Other Solutions

If your counters are still dull even after trying all the above methods, then it is time to check the condition of your sealant. A sealant is supposed to last approximately 3-5 years. If it is old and chipped, it is likely to give your counters a dull look.

However, do not worry too much. The solution is as simple as giving your countertops a fresh layer of sealant, and it will be as good as new.


A granite countertop should remain in excellent condition for decades if you give it proper care. All it needs is a regular wipe-down (after every meal preparation preferably), regular polishing and checking, and applying a fresh layer of sealant every so often to ensure it does not deteriorate.

This will ensure that your beautiful granite countertops remain in good condition for a long, long time. If you are unsure how to care for your granite countertops or what products are best, do not hesitate to consult your local granite countertop installers Rockville. They know best and are ready to help.

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